Thursday, July 13, 2023

Salmon and Potato Souffle


You know that moment when the potatoes are half cooked and you reach into the fridge for the family sized meat pie, or the whole cooked chicken or whatever it is you were basing the evening meal on ... and its gone ... gobbled up by the bambini as an after school snack? Well this is the recipe for when that happens.

I think it was one of Verna's recipes originally but I know Mum used to cook it quite often ... I remember it served with lettuce salad and mayonnaise made with Highlander condensed milk. A totally 70s meal.

  • 1 cup cold mashed potato
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • splash or 2 of milk
  • 1 cup cooked fish (tinned salmon)
  • 2 eggs - separated
  • salt, pepper,
  • pinch ground ginger
  • chopped chives, parsley
  • squeeze of lemon juice
Warm the butter and milk, add mashed potato and beat. Add egg yolks and all other ingredients except for the egg whites and beat. Beat the egg whites and then gently fold into the salmon and potato mixture. Pour into a greased dish and cook in a quick oven for 20 - 30 mins.